Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny post -16-Jun-2023

Summer Match 

Ch 4 

Brother and cousin come to bat , Maggie hair bowler bowls a fast one on the pitch.
Roaring sound , fast car of racing track , bends the wind ,spine chill and hair rise.
He bowls first ball , Yorker brother simply defense ball stop on tracks.
He bowls bouncer , brother just nicks it and ball washes away to the four.

My brother was a national level batsman of under 16 group.
I was also famous for my big group of golden duck , looping in present.
Bowler bowls next , short ball brother cuts , ball marathons ,but stopped for three.
He bowls bouncer , ball scratches , bites near the ear and color it pale.
He walks out , game pauses for next batsman to arrive on the pitch. 


Raghuveer Sharma

28-Jun-2023 08:26 PM



Reena yadav

27-Jun-2023 11:27 PM

